When a global credit card company was ready to roll out its new credit card in worldwide markets, HS Brands stepped up as a trusted partner to execute this complex project in 150 countries. The project called for real-world testing of new cards in a large variety of international markets – from retail outlets and convenience stores to hotels and airports.
Through assembling and managing shoppers in over 150 countries, and navigating local market conditions, our team implemented and managed over 50,000 mystery shopping audits in just 12 months. In particularly tough markets, we enhanced our data gathering efforts by adding industry-certified Shoppers who used in-depth experience to make sure the job was done right.
Within 2 days of shop completion, each report was translated, proofed and delivered to the client. HS Brands then analyzed evaluated the data, and worked with the client to determine solutions to optimize the new card process – and ultimately protect their iconic brand.
Developed custom solution, using our SASSIE SAAS software to increase the ease of location selection, and tracking as well as software to track spending and credit card fund replenishment